
I'm a husband, father and developer. Some things that get my attention are simplicity, physical books, good music and terminal based applications.


My academic background is on agricultural engineering. I did a master thesis on Crop Simulation. We used a dssat cassava model to economically evaluate different water management strategies - original text in english. By this time I used R and Python a lot to get my work done. Here some basic utilities I created by this time to automate the work:



2022 - 2023

Full time developer working on a MVP. On the client side we used React Native for mobile apps and Next.JS for web apps.

The backend was a simple CRUD API using GraphQL, several Firebase services, Typesense and OneSignal for push notifications.

The best part of this experience was the application of Clean Architecture concepts and principles to achieve isolation, scalability and code reusability inside the monorepo. We had the challenge to develop apps for web and mobile platforms. This was possible due to the use of shared code (monorepo), applied SOLID principles and react-native-web which is responsible to render React Native compatible JavaScript code in the browser.

Typescript, React Native, React, NextJS, Node, GraphQL, Apollo, BFF, Nx.dev, Firebase (Cloud Functions, Firestore, Realtime Database, Auth, Storage, Dynamic Links, Hosting and Messaging) Typesense, Azure DevOps.

Badico Cloud

[2020] - [2022]

Here, I started my professional career. I landed as junior Fullstack developer and got out as middle-level Fullstack developer. During this time I went through five clients and several projects on backend and frontend. Besides coding I spent some time acting as Product Owner and dealing direct with clients in english and portuguese.

Javascript, Typescript, React, NextJS, Redux, Redux middlewares, Node, Docker, AWS, Lambda (serverless), DynamoDB, S3, MongoDB, Netlify

Some (public) stuff from the time I was on Badico: